There are no processing fees when you donate by Bank Deposit, Check or Stock. Thank you for ensuring that 100% of your donation goes toward our work.
Bank deposits can be made in:
Zanaco Bank
Account Name: Amos Youth Centre
Account #: 1086694500181
Please make check payable to African Education Program and mail to:
African Education Program
P.O. Box 6
Wayne, PA 19087
If you are donating in honor of someone, sponsoring a specific program, or want to direct your donation to our operating costs, please write this in the memo of your check.
A gift of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds can both support our program and provide a tax saving to you.
The Amos Youth Centre is registered under the Zambian Ministry of Community Development and Social Services through the Non-Governmental Organizations’ Act, 2009 (Act No. 16 of 2009). Certificate No. RNGO 101/0070/13.
Donations made via check, stock, or online are processed by the African Education Program (EIN: 42-1585011), a United States non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from Federal Income Tax under provisions of IRS Section 501(c)3 and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The official registration and financial information of the African Education Program may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.