Nayamazani Enoch Tembo reflects on “Life at Amos”

Nyamazani at Amos Youth Centre this past August When Nyamazani Enoch Tembo received his Economics degree from the University of Zambia this month, the African Education Program and Amos Youth Centre held major places in his head and heart.

“Whenever I sit down and reflect on my achievement in education life, I am filled with great satisfaction. It’s true hard work really does pay in its due time and I am living testimony to these words,” Nayamazani wrote in a Testimony of My Life at Amos. “This feeling would have been nothing without the help of AEP. I will forever be indebted to this organization. May I take this chance and an opportunity to thank AEP for your tireless effort, help, support, sustenance, encouragement, and commitment you have shown personally to me and my family? You mean a lot to me and I will forever live to cherish the time we met.”

The fifth child in a family of six, Nyamazani lost his mother in 2004 when he was in eighth grade. Nyamazani’s mother emphasized education, and he was a top student who was accepted to one of Zambia’s best secondary schools. He was unable to attend, however, because his father couldn’t afford the school fees.

In August 2006, Nayamazani discovered AYC and became an active member. When he entered 11th grade, he was one of 27 students who received a scholarship from AEP.

Nyamazani, on the far left, stands with his fellow AEP college sponsorship recipients

“Tables were turning in a positive direction and brought great relief to my father who never rested day and night to raise enough to see us through to the next day and with our school fees,” he wrote. “At least one child was out of his hand. Since then my education life has been in the hands of AEP.”

In his testimony, Nayamazani provided details about the boarding house, feeding program, and other AEP projects. One of the most inspiring is PLOW BACK, in which Nayamazani was a pioneer. In PLOW BACK, tutor their classmates and give back to the community.

“This is a legacy I have left behind and each time I look back and see how it is being smoothly run, I feel great satisfaction,” he wrote.

Nayamazani remained connected with AYC and PLOW BACK after he began studies at the University of Zambia. He benefited from a government sponsorship program, but AEP provided basic necessities during his college years, which helped him complete his education.

“AEP committed itself until the finish line,” he wrote. “AEP helped me to study with a free mind and this stimulated me to concentrate even more on my studies. This relationship I have built with AEP from 2006 to date will forever live.”


Happy 50th Birthday, Zambia!


Odds are against college students in Zambia, but AEP can help assist