The Story of Aaron: One of AYC's Oldest Alumni

By Annabel Mumba
Annabel Mumba is AYC’s Donor Relations Coordinator in Zambia. She is a Scholarship Fund recipient, high school graduate, and also one of our Success Stories.

Co-written by Pamela O’Brien, African Education Program’s Development Director, who is mentoring Annabel as she pursues a journalism degree.


Aaron is one of the oldest alumni at our flagship Learning & Leadership Center in Kafue, Zambia. He enrolled in the program in 2009 when he was an 11th grade student at Kafue Day Secondary School. Despite walking nearly 4 kilometers every day to get to the center, Aaron enjoyed every minute of it and enjoyed participating in the various activities that the center provided. His childhood memories are filled with his mother working tirelessly to ensure that his siblings' and his needs were met. Aaron understood the responsibility and expectations that were placed on him as the firstborn. He was determined to do well in school and to help care for his siblings.

The atmosphere at AYC was wonderful, and I enjoyed it. Students’ teachers assisted and encouraged me to work hard and achieve good results. They were always willing to assist me when I was having difficulty with Math or Science.
— Aaron

Aaron in a photo taken in 2012 at the Center.

Aaron and his mother during graduation ceremonies at Dovecot College of Health Sciences.

Aaron appreciated the daily lunches he received at the center because he understood his mother's struggles to provide for the family.  His mother supported the family by selling tomatoes in the neighborhood. The tutoring program helped him become a good student who was consistently at the top of his class. This is because the environment at the Amos Youth Center was conducive to him. He was able to concentrate on his studies and receive the assistance he needed to succeed. Through the center's mentorship program, Aaron was able to develop leadership skills, which helped him become a positive role model for his siblings and peers. 

Aaron enrolled at Dovecot College of Health Sciences in 2013 to pursue a diploma program in clinical medicine and achieve his childhood dream of studying medicine. He graduated in 2016 and was immediately deployed to Lundazi District Hospital in Eastern Province by the Ministry of Health. Aaron is in charge of ensuring that all patients who come to the hospital receive the best health care possible.

Everything I’ve accomplished in my life is because of the help I received from AYC. I met AYC when I needed it the most. Words can never express how grateful I am to the organization. I am a proud AYC graduate!
— Aaron on his success in life.

Aaron is still working at the hospital and now has a family of his own. As a father of two, a boy and a girl, Aaron is a happy dad and continues to navigate parenthood. Aaron credits AYC for providing him with the foundation and support he needed to achieve his goals. He hopes to one-day give back to the organization that helped him so much. He hopes to return to school soon to pursue his dream of becoming a medical doctor. He wishes to study medicine and surgery.


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