Anything is Possible: Winniefrida Races to the Region Five Competition

Smiling photo of Annabel Mumba

By Annabel Mumba
Annabel Mumba is AEP’s Donor Relations Coordinator in Zambia. She is a Scholarship Fund recipient, high school graduate, and also one of our Success Stories.

Co-written by Pamela O’Brien, African Education Program’s Development Director, who is mentoring Annabel as she pursues a journalism degree.


Winniefrida’s story is a testament to the saying, "disability is not an inability". The 16-year-old is not letting her disability stand in the way of her dreams and goals. As she travels down the path of discovering her talents and the things she enjoys doing, she has discovered a passion for running.

Winnie, as she is affectionately known, lost her vision at the age of five due to glaucoma. Over the years she has discovered that she is a quick runner, as evidenced by the medals she has won. Winnie is a student and member of the Read for Rose Special Education Program at the Amos Youth Centre. Under the guidance of the Director of Special Education, Febby Choombe, she learned braille and received a customized learning plan, an opportunity few children with disabilities have in Zambia. She was empowered through access to educational resources as well as occupational and lifeskill guidance and was given the opportunity to complete her secondary education at Munali Secondary School in the Special Education Unit in Lusaka. She joined her school's sports club, and that's where it all started.

Since the beginning of her time at Read for Rose, Febby has been a source of inspiration and motivation for her. Febby shared her thoughts about Winnie; she stated that she is extremely happy and proud of her and all her accomplishments. 

"I have seen Winnie grow and become a wonderful student, and now with her new-found passion for sports, I have never been happier. She has my full support, and the younger students are very proud of her," shared Febby Choombe, Director of Special Education.

Director of Special Education, Febby Choombe (right) and Assistant Teacher, Annie (left) pose with Winnie at Read for Rose.

Picture of Winnie and her coach Lassam Katongo

Winnie and her coach, Lassam Katongo

Winnie competed in the National Festival Athletic Competitions in April 2022 which wase organized by the Zambian Government’s Ministry of Youth and Sports. Young athletes from all ten provinces competed in these prestigious games, which saw Winnie win her first medal and qualify for the Region Five Southern Africa Games hosted by Malawi.

Lassam Katongo, Zambia's legendary Paralympic athlete, coaches Winniefrida. He is also a visually impaired athlete with limited vision in one eye. Because he believes in Winnie's ability as a sports talent, the dedicated athlete has decided to coach her himself. He uses his experience and skill to teach her how to run for competitions with flexibility and skill. Winnie's future in the Paralympics is important to the former 2008 Beijing Paralympics competitor.

Lassam shared, "Winniefrida's sporting career is just getting started. I've seen her potential and craft since I started mentoring her in April 2022. She was skeptical at first, but I persuaded her otherwise. Her participation in the Southern Africa Region's Five Games and winning medals makes me proud and reminds me of when I just starting out running.”

Ten southern African countries gathered at Bingu Stadium in the heart of Malawi for the Region's Five Games. Winnie faced competitors from Botswana, Lesotho, Angola, and Zimbabwe and was awarded bronze medals for placing second and third, respectively.

Winnie expressed her delight at being able to participate in the games. Meeting other athletes like herself made her feel at ease and confident. "Everyone I met was very nice to me. Meeting people who shared my interests made me very happy, and winning the medals was thrilling.”

Winnie's future looks bright in 2023. She is scheduled to compete in more games and has the opportunity to travel to different countries such as Ghana for the All African Games which will be held at the end of the year. Winnie is a sports girl, but her dream is very different from what she is doing. She aspires to be a journalist who tells important stories. She wishes to raise awareness among people with disabilities.

“Winnie, I'm sure you can spread your wings and fly so far. Your dreams are as lovely as your talent,” Febby shared.


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