A Leader in the Making – Spencer’s Journey to a Brighter Future

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By Annabel Mumba
Annabel Mumba is AEP’s Donor Relations Coordinator in Zambia. She is a Scholarship Fund recipient, high school graduate, and one of our latest Success Stories.

When the African Education Program (AEP) learned that applications were open for a coveted spot at the prestigious African Leadership Academy (ALA) located in South Africa, the team in Zambia immediately brought this opportunity to the students. An intensive application process took place and after responding to a semi-finalist round with phone interviews, AEP is excited to announce that Spencer was chosen as the first graduate to embark on this very exciting scholarship opportunity.

An exciting day as Spencer, his mother Elena, and AEP’s Academic Programs Manager, Ceasar, complete the ALA application forms.

An exciting day as Spencer, his mother Elena, and AEP’s Academic Programs Manager, Ceasar, complete the ALA application forms.

Zambia needs new young leaders and ALA is the perfect training ground for young people who dream of creating a better world. ALA is a pre-eminent educational institution that seeks to transform Africa by identifying, developing, and connecting its future leaders. The Academy was founded on the philosophy that a new generation of ethical, committed leaders is the key to Africa’s development.

ALA provides a two-year pre-college diploma program and a suit of short-term global programs where it employs the tools of critical inquiry, design thinking and experimental learning to develop a generation of entrepreneurial leaders for Africa and the world.

An opportunity like this means the world to a student like Spencer and his family. Spencer received his first scholarship from AEP in the 8th grade and he continued to attend AEP’s after-school learning and leadership center for academic tutoring, classes in all major subjects and extra-curricular activities. From a young age he showed exceptional leadership qualities by organizing his friends for spelling bees or by preparing extra hard for presentations for his Biology class in secondary school.

Seeing your student reach or being accepted at such a prestigious academy and succeed is every teachers dream. This has made me more proud of my work and efforts to prepare and encourage my students to find and achieve their dreams and goals. With Spencer’s achievement, he is now an example to others that any dream can be turned to reality through hard work and passion.
— Ceasar Samwaka, AEP Academic Programs Manager

Spencer was raised by his single mother, Elena, after the death of his father when he was only 7 years old. Elena runs a small business selling dried foods like fish, beans and the local kapenta, a business that she had to close down due to the pandemic. Spencer’s older sister is the only child in the family who has attended college level classes and is helping the family financially. Elena describes the opportunity of Spencer going away to study at an international school as an incredible blessing, “I am very happy that my son has been given such a rare opportunity of studying at such a prestigious and worldly recognized school.” Elena noted that without the ALA scholarship opportunity, she would not have been able to afford the hefty tuition fees of over $60,000 USD for the two year program.

Spencer attributes his success to many programs at the youth center including the Chess Club that helped him think more critically and the Spelling Bee Club that played a role in sharpening his spelling skills and helped him become a good writer too. The Boys Club helped him learn about matters affecting his generation.

Spencer adds his signature to accept his place in next ALA class this Fall.

Spencer adds his signature to accept his place in next ALA class this Fall.

AEP’s Academic Programs Manager, Ceasar Samwaka, mentors many of AEP’s girls and boys and shared, “Seeing your student reach or being accepted at such a prestigious academy and succeed is every teachers dream. This has made me more proud of my work and efforts to prepare and encourage my students to find and achieve their dreams and goals. With Spencer's achievement, he is now an example to others that any dream can be turned to reality through hardwork and passion.”

Spencer is passionate about sciences and mathematics and dreams of pursuing Biomedical Engineering. He shared, “After ALA, I plan on studying Biomedical Engineering. I have always wanted to work in the health sector and contribute to the safe and healthy livelihood of the people in my country, the continent and the world at large.”

When asked what admission to ALA means to him, he said, “Being admitted into ALA is a huge blessing that I thought I would never get, ever! Having come from a household that struggled to pay for my school fees, I never thought an opportunity of studying at such a prestigious school could ever come my way. This is such a huge opportunity to me which I will not put to waste.”

AEP’s holistic development program prepares students like Spencer for opportunities exactly like this. We have built our program on the principle that if a boy or girl has access to our holistic support, they can emerge as the next generation of leaders that their country so desperately needs. I am excited about this opportunity that has been awarded to Spencer and I am looking forward to his very bright future.
— Julie-Anne Savarit-Cosenza, AEP Executive Director

Spencer also adds that the AEP has played a very significant role in him becoming who he is. The sponsorship opportunity and mentorship he received has prepared him for this opportunity and has molded him into the person that he is today. AEP’s Executive Director, Julie-Anne Savarit-Cosenza, added, “AEP’s holistic development program prepares students like Spencer for opportunities exactly like this. We have built our program on the principle that if a boy or girl has access to our holistic support, they can emerge as the next generation of leaders that their country so desperately needs. I am excited about this opportunity that has been awarded to Spencer and I am looking forward to his very bright future.”

There are 1180 young leaders in the ALA network, representing 46 countries in Africa, who are catalyzing transformative change on the African continent. Africa’s future will be shaped by these young people who commit each day to think differently, to break boundaries, and to do hard things. AEP is excited to see Spencer join such a prestigious group of young people and looks forward to sharing more about his journey in the future.


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